Let me ask you something. Would you be with a smelly girl? I wouldn't.
There is few basics you need to meet to get a girl:
- Be clean- no girl wants to be next to smelly guy. You should take shower at least once a day and use nice perfumes. If you need help with choosing perfumes, take your sister or a cousin.
- Breath- You need to wash your teeth at least twice a day. Also visit a dentist as often as you can. girls love smiling boys, so white teeth is a big plus.
- Hair- Always wash your hair with a shampoo for men. Go to young female stylist to get a nice haircut. Don't use too much products on you head. Stay real, not fake.
- Shoes- They don't need to be fancy, but they need to be clean. If she invites you over, you don't want her family to laugh at your smelly and dirty shoes.
- Clothes- Everyone wants to have fancy clothes, but not everyone can afford the. So as long as you have nice and clean clothes. You should be good. Also you need to be comfortable in your clothes.
These basics will get you on a good route toward finding a girlfriend. Make sure you follow them and don't forget to come back for more advices!
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